'Winter Hand' Heroes

‘Winter Hand’ Heroes - Aveeno Intense Relief Hand Cream and Planet Eve Luxe Hand Cream
In the past few years, winter has been my least favourite season for many reasons:
1. I have to dress like a snowman. And it gets so cold that I don’t even want to take my PJs off so that I can dress like a snowman.
2. My metabolism kicks up a notch (in order to keep me warm - its science, ladies!) so I burn more energy, hence am always hungry, leading to more food consumption. We are back to looking like a snowman.
3. My hands get so dry that they start to crack and bleed. 
Now, I have a particular fondness for my hands, so I’ve been trying to take extra-special good care of them lately. So to make a habit out of good hand care, I bought the Aveeno Intense Relief Hand Cream and left it in my room so I remember to moisturise before I go to sleep. The Planet Eve cream you see in the photo is actually a sample I got from my pharmacy - and due to its convenient size, I leave it in my handbag so that I keep moisturising throughout the day. Genius, right?
The Lowdown
  • The Aveeno Intense Relief Hand Cream contains protective colloidal oatmeal and claims to last through hand washes, which is something I can definitely use since I’m OCD with my hand sanitiser. It has a thin consistency, is non greasy and absorbs quite quickly.
  • The Planet Eve Luxe Hand Cream (with antioxidants) SMELLS FANTASTIC, is of a slightly thicker consistency to the Aveeno cream and also absorbs very quickly. 
Since I’ve been using both products simultaneously, I don’t know to which I owe the now semi-presentability of my hands, but I do find I prefer the Planet Evecream because it instantly and very noticeably hydrates my skin (goodbye, skin flakes!) 
Where to buy:
  • Aveeno Intense Relief Hand Cream is available from most pharmacies and retails for about $6 AUD for 100g, whereas the Planet Eve Luxe Hand cream is a little bit pricier at $29 AUD for 50mL. 


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