Schwarzkopf Extra Care Daily Oil Elixir

Image Source: Google Images

Rarely do I feel so strongly about a product that I get the urge to come online and post about it immediately. Unfortunately, in this case, it's not because I've just declared my undying love for a beauty product but more because I'm shocked at the disappointing results I got with it.

I actually got a small sample of this product in one of the showbags I bought at this year's Royal Show. It came as part of a 3-step hair care routine and while I ripped into the shampoo and conditioner straight away, I decided to save the Elixir for later (makes you think of magical things, doesn't it?) The instructions on the package said that I could either apply this in the shower as a post-conditioner step and then rinse it out, or apply it to towel dried hair or to fully dry hair for extra shine. I tried it on towel dried hair first, and ended up with 3-day old spaghetti for hair once it had dried. Determined to give the product a fair chance, I then tried it again today in the shower as a bit of a short leave-in treatment before rinsing it out. Again, after my hair had dried, it was clumpy and looked greasier than a bowl of mac-and-cheese (I don't know what's up with all the food references today...) Very.disappointing. God forbid how my hair would've looked had I applied it to fully dry hair.

I stopped using a leave-in treatment for my hair around the start of this year when my hair care routine changed a bit for the better and my then go-to product began to leave my hair looking a bit stringy. So the fact that Schwarzkopf's Elixir didn't work on me could just be that it's not the best thing for my hair type - if you have thick, dry hair, you might get better results.

One thing I will say is that this thing smells amazing - and if you've read enough of my blog posts, you'll know smell plays a HUGE factor in how many ticks a product earns from me. Unfortunately, though, no amount of deliciousness could co-erce me into trying this again.

The Lowdown: A thickish product (with a slightly thicker and stickier consistency than the original brand Moroccan Oil) that leaves my hair with greasy clumps, but may work for girls with thick/dry hair.

Schwarzkopf Extra Care Daily Oil Elixir retails for about $8.99 AUD for 75mL and can be found at most pharmacies, Priceline, Target, as well as hair-specialist stores.


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