Maybelline Baby Lips Pink Glow (Pink Blast)

This product seemed like a really good idea - a moisturising lip balm that changes colour based on the chemistry of your lips - so I decided to give it a go even though I wasn't a fan of the original Maybelline Baby Lips (not moisturising enough for my incessantly annoying dry lips.)

At first, I was really pleased with the results - the colour looked very much like Revlon Lip Butter in Berry Smoothie, which is one of my go-to lip products. The positives of this  product include a really nice, smooth lip colour (at least at first) which doesn't transfer onto cups and consequently lasts a little longer than your average lipstick. Downsides are that since it takes a couple of seconds to react with your lips, by then it's kinda too late if you've gone outside your lips with the initial application, and trying to remove stray colour takes a little more elbow grease than normal lip products. Also, although I did find it more moisturising than the original formula, I also discovered that the product still seeps into the cracks of your lips and will not budge once this has happened.

The Lowdown: Gives a nice colour and decent moisture but is a little too high maintenance for a lip balm. On the bright side, it's fairly inexpensive (I can't remember exactly, but I think I bought it from Priceline for only about $3.95AUD)


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