Bella Box July - First Impressions for my First Box

Bellabox July - First Impressions of my first Bellabox
I was actually a naughty little curious cat and looked at my box preview way before I even got the email to say that it had been posted - in my defence, though, I thought the preview was going to be along the lines of the instagram previews for, not an actual full list of the products I’d be receiving.
So needless to say, I’ve been hyping this box for quite awhile. What I was really impressed with, though, was the number of full-size products - the Almay One Coat Mascara, Neutrogena Anti-Wrinkle Eye Cream, Carmex Lip Balm and YouMe&Everybody Face Milk. Not sure if the Innoxa nail polish andLe Tan leg bronzer were full size, but they’re a pretty decent size regardless. 
I’ll probably review each of these products extensively and individually once I get the chance because I’m definitely interested in trying everything (except the leg bronzer - I’m already pretty tan and I’m not a huge fan of tanning products anyway so I’ll probably end up giving that to someone else.)
So, is the box worth the $15 I paid? The mascara alone more than covers the $15, and considering the size and amount of products I got, I’m more than impressed with my first box. Something else I have to mention is the communication as well - I got an email once my box was posted, was able to track its progress, and still get regular (but not to the point of being annoying) updates on new/hyped products. If you’re on the fence about whether or not to subscribe, I’d say go for it!
For more info, visit 


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