Face of Australia Concealer

Image source: Priceline.com.au

I haven't had much of an opinion on face concealers in the past because my skin is usually pretty good if I eat well and I rarely get major breakouts. But I'm human, and it happens, so when it does - I want a good concealer on hand. I bought this stick concealer quite awhile back and have been using it for a couple of months...I just never got around to actually posting a review of it!

My main concerns when I first bought the concealer was the lack of shades and the possibility that the creamy consistency would lend itself to cakiness. Turns out, I had nothing to worry about on both accounts! Although this concealer is only available in 2 shades (Neutral and Warm,) it blends so well and it really sinks into the skin quite nicely so that after I apply a setting powder over the top, the effect is flawless. In the past, some of the creamier concealers that I've used get a little greasy towards the end of the day with my oily skin, and you almost get a separation of the concealer from the rest of my skin so that you can really tell where I've applied concealer and where I haven't - needless to say, not the most attractive look. Fortunately, this Face of Australia concealer holds really well and I've had no issues with it sliding around my face during the day.

I'd say the coverage is probably medium - it's enough to cover up redness and pigmentation, but won't completely erase major blemishes. A nice trick that I've discovered to tackle this issue is to rub my finger over the concealer stick and dab it a couple of times on the blemish without blending. I'll let the concealer sit there for a couple of seconds while I conceal other areas and then come back to it, blending the concealer into my skin with gentle patting motions. This works quite well for larger, raised blemishes.

The Lowdown: Medium coverage concealer - creamy consistency, blends well and doesn't become greasy throughout the day. Guaranteed a repurchase from yours truly once my current one runs out!

Face of Australia Concealer is available in 2 shades and you can purchase it from Priceline, Kmart, BigW and selected pharmacies for a RRP of $9.45 AUD.


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