Batiste Dry Shampoo: A Hint of Colour (Medium & Brunette)

My experience with dry shampoo is a classic example of why you should give everything a second (and possibly third, and fourth!) chance before swearing off it for life. I'd given dry shampoo a fair go before - I think I actually tried about 3 different ones and all I'd ended up with was pseudo-dandruff in my no less greasy hair. I have black hair, so it wasn't the best look. Why did I decide to go for it again? Recently, I've amped up my exercise routine which means that I can't always get away with afternoon workouts (my preferred time to get gross and sweaty,) and although I'm always itching to wash my hair by the end of the day, I don't want to double wash it after my morning sweat-off. So, armed with a YouTube tutorial and a brand new formula, I decided to give dry shampoo another shot. And boy, am I glad I did!

Here's the reason why dry shampoo never worked for me before - all the ones I'd tried had told me to spray the shampoo on and brush it out. WRONG. The best way to make sure that the product soaks up the oil is to massage it into your roots. And don't forget to spray it at least 20-30cm away from your head as well, otherwise you'll get a concentrated lashing of powder and it'll look like you lost a fight with a bag of flour.

The Batiste dry shampoo in particular smells really nice - my Mum actually complemented me, and she hates about 95% of all scented products. Don't worry if you're not a fan of it, though, it doesn't linger or overpower perfumes. It really freshens up my roots and makes my hair look (almost) as soft and fluffy as it did freshly washed. The only thing I noticed was that my scalp was a bit itchy, but it tends to do that even without dry shampoo anyway so I don't think it was an issue with the product.

My one complaint is that you don't get many uses out of the bottle. I had the 200mL can and I felt like I'd hardly touched it. Regardless, it's now become a staple in my routine and both my hair and my parent's gas bills are definitely better off with it in my life!

The Lowdown: Keeps hair looking and smelling fresh without drying it out. As long as you know how to make it work for you, this is a must-have for anyone wanting to extend the time between washes!

Batiste Dry Shampoo is available in a variety of scents from Priceline and selected pharmacies, retailing for $4.95AUD for the 50mL, $9.99AUD for the standard 200mL, and $12.95AUD for the 200mL cans with colour.


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